Saturday, June 07, 2008

More Jordan Valley photos (see summary in previous entry)

Above: Israeli settlement agriculture on confiscated land - right in the middle of the Palestinian village of Jeflik. The Israeli government provides water for Israeli settlers while preventing access to Palestinians, who must buy it from trucks or pump it from the few old wells built before the occupation (they are not allowed to build new wells).
Village of Jeflik - homes under threat of demolition. many Palestinians are prevented from building livable homes at all and are forced to live in shackswhile Israeli settlers are given free land and live in modern, California-style air conditioned homes.
Making bread in Jeflik Vilage
Bus breakdown in the heat... but soon rescued by local Palesitnians, bringing big jugs of water and a mechanic who soon got us underway.

leaving the jordan valley back into the higher elevations of the central west bank.

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